Writer’s Block: 10 Mental Exercises to Beat It

Have you been wondering how to cope with and overcome writer’s block? I’ve got you covered!

In the vast world of creativity, there’s a universal challenge that haunts poets and writers alike – writer’s block. With over two decades immersed in the realm of poetry and as a self-published author, I’ve come face to face with this formidable adversary.

Writer’s block isn’t just a concept to me; it’s a real struggle that I’ve grappled with throughout my journey. I’ve become a trusted voice for those facing the same creative roadblock.

Now, I’m reaching out to fellow writers. Let’s explore practical strategies together to break free from creative stagnation. This journey isn’t just about overcoming writer’s block; it’s a quest for renewed inspiration and a celebration of the resilience within every creative spirit. Even when faced with a blank page, I believe we can coax words to dance once more.

  1. Freewriting: Make a habit to sit down and focus on writing. You should sit down at the same time each day for 15 to 30 minutes. By creating a routine, you are exercising your mental skills and getting them use to working. Use it or lose it as the saying goes.
  2. Mind Mapping: Draw or print out a template to create a visual representation while brainstorming. Connect concepts and explore branches to discover new perspectives for your writing. This technique can provide a fresh approach to your work.
  3. Change Your Environment: S If you’re having the opposite problem and being stuck in the same routine and environment is sucking the creativity right out of you – change up the “where”. Go to a park, a coffee shop, or the library. Go somewhere new to find some creativity, or somewhere you know you will feel inspired.
  4. Flash Fiction: Challenge yourself to write a complete story in 500 words or less. The constraint can force you to be concise and may lead to surprising breakthroughs in your larger work.
  5. Word Association: Start with a theme or word, then brainstorm any associating ideas and concepts. This can lend to unexpected connections and break down mental barriers, allowing for more creative thinking.
  6. Immersive Writing Environment: Create an immersive atmosphere related to your writing. Use scents, sounds, or visuals that align with your story, helping you get into the right creative mindset.
  7. Reverse Outlining: Review what you’ve already written and create an outline after the fact. This exercise helps to identify gaps or areas where your narrative could take a different direction.
  8. Writing Prompts: Challenge yourself with writing prompts to take a divert from your current project. This will provide a creative and productive resource to take a break so you can come back to your current project relaxed and with renewed perspective. 
  9. Collaborate or Seek Feedback: Share your ideas with a writing buddy or a trusted friend. Sometimes, external input can provide fresh insights or solutions to challenges you’re facing. Collaborative brainstorming can open up new possibilities.
  10. Take a Break: When all else fails, sometimes the best thing to do to overcome writer’s block is to step away for a while. Engaging in other activities to relieve stress and anxious energy may help increase your focus when you come back to your writing.

My Top 3 Books for Writer’s Block

#1 Top Pick


Tour Name

✅ Practical & Powerful Strategies

✅ Different Writer’s Block Types and defeating them

✅ Silencing Imposter Syndrome

#2 Pick

Writing with Cold Feet

✅ Conquer your fear and find your writing voice

✅ Original exercises and inspiring stories

✅ 5 simple strategies

#3 Pick

Four Seasons of Creative Writing

✅ Seasonal inspiration

✅ For journaling, bloggers & book authors

✅ 1,000 New Creative Writing Prompts

More Mental Exercise Books for Overcoming Writer’s Block

Mind mapping is an excellent tool for beginner writers looking to organize their thoughts and ideas. With writing, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with everything you want to say, but with mind mapping, all of your ideas can be presented in a simple, visual way. This book presents over 50 mind map images, illustrations, and diagrams that make it easy for beginners to get started. Each of these tools are designed to help writers brainstorm ideas and gain clarity on how to structure their piece. Mind mapping can also help writers find new ways of expressing themselves and create engaging content that captures the attention of readers.

Another resource for mind mapping is “The Ultimate Mind Mapping Notebook,” which provides you with mind mapping templates to help you get started.

The Writer’s Block: 786 Ideas to Jump-Start Your Imagination

⭐️ RATING: 4.5/5 Stars | ✅ Buy it!

Writing prompts are a great way for beginner writers to get started and gain momentum. They can help the writer find a jumping-off point so they don’t feel overwhelmed by the task of starting something from scratch. Writing prompts offer an easy way to explore new ideas and give the writer structure within which to express their creativity. Plus, when used regularly, they can help beginner writers develop and improve their writing skills over time. For those who feel stuck, writing prompts can be a great source of inspiration. So if you’re looking for an engaging way to start your writing journey, why not try using some writing prompts?

Fight Writer’s Block by Staying Connected

A good way to keep yourself motivated is by connecting with other writers. Experienced authors can offer valuable tips, suggestions, and advice for how to improve as a writer. Reach out to other writers in your network or join a local writing group – talking about your struggles openly can help you gain insight into different techniques that might work for you.

At the end of the day, tackling writer’s block is all about taking small steps towards progress. Every word counts! So don’t give up on your story; take advantage of the resources available to you and come up with creative ways to push yourself forward.

To finish strong, encourage readers who are also struggling with writing blocks to leave a comment below so they can get help from one another or advice from experienced writers in the community.

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